Customer Testimonials

It is a pleasure dealing with the crew at B Insured. I have both my Home and Auto policy with them. They shop around and get me the cheapest quotes from the most highly rated insurers. Thank so much B Insured for fulfilling all my insurance needs.

Aryeh Horowitz
Monsey NY

Dealing with BIA made taking care of my insurance an easy task. They did all the work, got me the best prices, and handled all the paperwork. I already recommended them to many friends, they thanked me for doing that!

Chaim S
Spring Valley NY

The service your company provides is top quality – from initial request for information and proposal to the binding of the policy. You are active listeners understanding our unique requirements, able to deliver quality insurance in a short amount of time. We’ve had memorable experiences with your agency. We look forward to working together with you for many years to come. Thank you!

Mohsen Zandieh
Arash Real Estate

Rivka at B Insured Agency has outdone herself again. We renewed our coverage at a much reduced premium in addition to some increased coverage we necessitated for our rapidly growing building supply company. We recommend BIA above any insurance agency. Try them yourself to see what I mean! You’ll thank me for it!

Joel Schwartz
Prime Building & Maintenance Supply

The professionalism and honesty at B Insured has singled them out as the go to agency for me. My clients have different insurance needs and the agents here always manage to meet my budget, mortgagee or insured’s requirements and it’s all handled by a very hands on, dedicated team. I highly recommend B Insured.”

Zishe Babad
Colonial Property Management, LLC

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